Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dear Iz,

Right now you are super sick and curled up on the couch. We have no idea what's wrong with you, at first we thought allergies but as your temperature has climbed higher and higher I'm thinking it's more serious than that. Last night I panicked when your fever hit 104 degrees. I called the doctor and they said I was over-treating you by giving you both Motrin and Tylenol (something mother's have been doing for ages). They also said a trip to the E.R. wasn't needed until you hit 105. Tonight you hit 104.6 and I freaked out again. Another call to the doctor. Another nurse telling us not to worry, just keep you hydrated and give you a tepid bath if necessary.

Meanwhile it's breaking our hearts to watch you. You whimper almost constantly, yet when you have moments of energy you are still as sweet and funny as ever. You thank me for everything when you are sick. Covering you up, "loving you" (cuddling), giving you juice or water - everything. Yesterday I picked you up a red heart balloon from Walgreens and you must thank me 20 times a day for buying it. Tonight you just lied there on the couch watching it - happy to see it bounce around in place.

This sickness can't end soon enough. I'm so ready for you to be dancing around the house and chasing the cat. While I love the chance to hold and rock you again as I did when you were a baby (and too tired to truly appreciate it) - I hate that it's at the expense of you. But I know that this will end soon because you are so much like us - you are pushing through like a champ.

All my love,

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